Tuesday 22 January 2013

Effective Public Communication

Assignment 1: Photo Blog

Topic:   Food, Culture & Architecture
Total marks:   20 marks.
Places of interest:   Choose any locations of your choice. The locations can be from any popular spots in Malaysia or abroad.

Each group will be required to produce the photo
blog  which consists of 25 to 30 photos of a particular setting or scene at any ONE location of your
choice. In addition to that, include necessary write-up about 20 to 30 words per picture together
with captions to further highlight  your story on the blog. The photos should focus on or portray life
in the following areas: -
a. People –   ethnic background, gender, age, description of clothes.
b. Food –    types of food available or food presentation at hawker stalls or restaurants.
c. Activities –   kinds of activities found in the surrounding of the suggested location.
d. Cultural conservation on buildings –    Façade, interior and exterior design of the building and ornamentation.

Pictures of assignment 1 are as below:

Screenshots of Our Blog

                The intended outcome of this assignment was to apply the principles of communication and behaviour in analysing interaction with others, both at individual and at group levels. We also had to be aware of the importance of cultural differences and respect cultural differences as well as to build healthy and positive relationships with fellow students, co-workers and clients. We were to communicate our relevant ideas in a clear, logical and appropriate academic English.
                From this assignment, I had learnt that the culture in Klang is different from other place and the importance of it. Klang is quite an old place so there was different cultural background and people. Throughout this whole assignment, I communicate with my team mates using proper English to ensure that they understand what I tried to say. It was my first time creating a blog for assignment. I had achieved all the learning outcomes for this assignment.
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Assignment 2: Oral Presentation

Topic: Traditional dwellings around the world.
Choose ONE traditional house from any continents of your choice and describe the following:
a. Historical background of the country.
b. Structure and layout.
c. Types of ornamentation used
d. Type of materials used.

Here is our video!  =D

                The intended outcome of this assignment was to apply the principles of communication and behaviour in analyzing interaction with others, both at individual and at group levels. We also had to be aware of the importance of cultural differences and respect cultural differences as well as to build healthy and positive relationships with fellow students, co-workers and clients. We were to communicate our relevant ideas in a clear, logical and appropriate academic English.
                Through this assignment, I had gained a lot of knowledge about the tradisional Malay house. I learned about the history, structure and layout of a tradisional Malay house originated from Kedah. Through this assignment, I learned to do research, analyse and interpret information for presentation purpose. By using academic English frequently, my English oral presentation skills improve increasingly. The relationship between group members was also strengthen throughout this assignment as we exchange opinion and discuss often to achieve the same goal.
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Assignment 3: Comic Strip

Your assignment is to create a 3 A3 size comic strip which describes events related to your daily life, special occasions and events in your campus. Your project can range from talking about scenes in a classroom, completing an assignment, preparing for an exam, waiting outside a lecture hall or any interesting incidences that is taking place in your campus. Your comic strip may be illustrated, or you can print characters to glue on your comic strip. You may also cut out your characters from a magazine or newspaper.  You may even do a combination of illustrations and cut-outs from the Simpsons to NBA basketball players.  Just because I say comic strip does not mean that your characters have to be cartoon characters.  You may base it on your favourite TV show, literary characters, or even invent your own. This group assignment should consist of 4 to 5 people per group.
Pictures of assignment 3 are as below:

Our Comic Strips

                The intended outcome of this assignment was to apply the principles of communication and behaviour in analysing interaction with others, both at individual and at group levels. We also had to be aware of the importance of cultural differences and respect cultural differences as well as to build healthy and positive relationships with fellow students, co-workers and clients. We were to communicate our relevant ideas in a clear, logical and appropriate academic English.
                This assignment enabled me to communicate at group level and improved my communication skills tremendously. Our group mates worked together to think of a storyline. We divided ourselves to do different jobs so that we could do our work effectively. I thoroughly understand the principles that we had learned in the whole semester. This is to make sure the principles we used are suitable for our storyline. Lastly, I had achieved all the intended learning outcomes for this assignment.
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