Tuesday 22 January 2013

Social Psychology

Assignment 1
In the first assignment, I had to illustrate and explain what happened. I had to know what was going on and understand all the psychological concepts. This was to make sure I could apply and relate psychological theories and concepts to my own experience and that of others. The psychological concepts enable me to understand myself better and my interactions with the others in terms of psychology. Whenever I had problem understanding the concepts, I would ask my lecturer about them.

After finishing the assignment, I found out that I could not explain my story fully. My illustration was not clear enough. Some of my concepts were wrong too. I did not understand all the theories and concepts thoroughly. Because of my lack of understanding, I applied the wrong concepts. I had a few grammar errors too. To do this assignment well, I have to read and study all the concepts from the chapters thoroughly.
(155 words)

Assignment 2
We worked in a group of 4 members to do the second assignment. We had to work together to search for articles or advertisements from different sources like magazines and newspapers. Through the articles and advertisements, we had to find out psychological concepts that are related to them. To finish this assignment, our members had to use our creativity to relate the articles and advertisements to the concepts learned.

Few of the articles we found were quite long. But the incidents illustrated in the articles were very clear and easy to understand. We failed to identify all the concepts in the articles because of the length. All our group members cooperated and attended the meetings to work on this assignment.
(120 words) 

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