Tuesday 22 January 2013

Introduction to Business

Reflective Essay

            During the Business class throughout the whole semester, I have learnt a lot from the lecture in class. There are many different topics included in this subject, including the definition of business and what business really is. All these topics are important for future uses where we might set up a business.
            My favourite topic from the lecture is "Managing Employees". What interest me the most in the topic is the 5 different needs that motivate human beings. The 5 needs are physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs and self actualisation needs. I also learned about the "Big 5" personalities which are openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. Before employing someone to work for the company, the employer prefer a person to have the "Big 5"personality traits.
            The topic that I found useful in everyday life is "Managing with Financial Information". I learned what accounting is about. Accounting is basically to keep track of all the transactions and summarizing those records into a report. Break-even analysis is an important skill learned in this Business subject. Break-even is a state where the revenue of the business is equal to its expenses. With this analysis, we can set a minimum target to avoid losses.
            By studying Introduction to Business, I feel that I have gained a lot of knowledge from all the lecture topics. 

Photo In Class

Class Test

Business Charity Drive

Tutorial Exercise

Intro to Business Exercise 2.0

  1. What is a niche market? Can you give 2 examples (other than from the notes) of a niche market? Why would a business want to target a niche market?

Niche market refers to very specific or unique segments of a market. For example, wedding planner, Magazine SOHO and stress management. This is because they serve as distributors of products for the big business, act as suppliers and they are able to respond quickly to changes in the market.

  1. What are some of the reasons that motivate people to start their own business? If you were to start a business, what would be your main reason? Discuss.

The reasons that motivate people to start their own business because they like the idea of being self-employed instead of working for others, to fulfill their personal dream and they believe that they have a product with good profit potential and wants to take advantages of the opportunity. If I were to start a business, my main realm would be self-employed instead of working for the others.

  1. What is limited liability? Is this an advantage or a disadvantage to the business owner? How (i.e. illustrate with an example)?

Limited liability means an owner is not personally responsible for the debts of his company. This is an advantage to the business owner.

  1. What is a franchise? Why would the parent company of a franchise choose to sell licenses to franchisees instead of expanding their own chain of stores? Also, provide 2 examples of a franchise.

Franchise is a business operating under licenses issued by parent companies. For example, McDonald's restaurant, SUBWAY and KFC. A franchise is easier to manage and there is no need to worry about the business.

  1. Your family has owned a business as a private company for the last 20 years. Recently your father, the CEO and chairman, is rushing to take the company public, but you sensed that he has not thought through this decision properly. As his adviser, what reasons would you give to persuade to stay as a private company?

If the company becomes public, the shares cannot be sold. A private company allows the business to be controlled within in the family. The owners are also fewer so we know them better.

  1. How can internet help a recently-started small business?

Internet can spread news without spending any money, that means free advertisement. The advertisement can be spread worldwide or everywhere that has internet access. With the internet, it is easy to have customers around the world. Business can be done at home where you do not need a shop and pay rental for it.

  1. If you are a banker and, Gabriel, a potential business owner wants to apply for a loan for starting a business, under which circumstances would you be more likely to lend – a) he wants to buy an existing business or b) he wants to start a brand new business? Why?

He wants to buy an existing business because if the existing business is already successful (ie. have a large customer base, established relationship with suppliers and bankers, profitable), then it would be less risky than starting a business from scratch.

  1. Discuss (any) 2 pros and 2 cons of a partnership.

-more capital due to more owners
-legal paperwork is simple and low cost

-unlimited liabilities
-arguments may arise if the owners do not share the same business objectives

  1. What are shares? Where are shares traded in Malaysia? How is the price of a company’s share determined in a share market?

Share is a single unit of a ownership; who owned a company/business. Bursa Malaysia is a share market where shares traded in Malaysia. If a company earn more money, the shares will go up.

Intro to Business Exercise 7.0

1.      What is accounting? Explain.

Accounting is an information system that records and summarizing these transactions into a record to be read by business people, so that they can make informed business decisions.

2.      Lejun is the owner of an architectural firm but he has no rudimentary knowledge in accounting (he has an accountant who looks after everything for him). Is this acceptable? Why or why not?

Not acceptable, because he has to know basic about accounting to ensure that his firm is in good condition or else he would be cheated.

3.      What information can you obtain from a Profit and Loss Statement? How can you use this report to assist you in making business decisions (use an example)? What is the other name of P&L statement?

Profit & loss statement is to report the revenues, expenses and profit/loss of a business during a period. For example, the usual cost of a phone is RM800 each and Belle selling them for RM1200 each. The total profit that she earned is RM400. The other name for P&L statement is income statement.

4.      What is a Balance Sheet? Also explain the 3 main items reported in it (with suitable examples). What is the other name of balance sheet?

Balance sheet, also called as statement of financial position. It is a summary of the financial balances of a company or other business balance. The 3 important elements are assets(Cash and cash equivalents), liabilities(accounts payable) and ownership equity(per value of shares).

5.      What is the accounting equation (formula)? Shi Yi started her business on 1st January 2011 with $1.5m of her own money and $0.8m of bank loan. Write out the equation for her business.

Assets = Loan + Owner’s Equity/Capital

6.      Continuing from question 5, what if Shi Yi repaid half of the bank loan 2 months later? How will her business’ accounting equation look like? Lastly, at the end of 2011, her business makes 0.4m of profit. Again, how will her accounting equation look like?

Asset = Liabilities + O/E
= 0.4m+1.5m = 1.9m

7.      Yin Jou wants to borrow $150,000 from Public Bank. She currently has $250,000 of assets (car, shares and cash) and liabilities (e.g. personal loans) of $226,500. Based on this information, would you (as a loan officer) approve the loan? Why or why not?

No, because there is a high possibility that she might be cannot paid back the loan. This is because the amount of liabilities she has is a lot more than her Owner Equity.

8.      Herman runs a roti canai stall in Subang. His monthly rent and utility expenses are $2700. He sells each roti canai for $1.50 and it costs him $0.65 to make each. Calculate his break-even point. Why is this information important to him?

Break-Even Point =  Fixed Cost/(Selling Price-Variable Cost) 
= 2900/(1.50-0.65) = 3176 Roti Canai per month


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