Tuesday 22 January 2013

English 2

Assignment 1 Part 1

We were to write a 5 paragraph 600-1000 word comparison/contrast essay of the chosen movie genre based on any two television series of the chosen genre. Citation had to be done according to the APA citation method accurately and effectively. I decided to compare 2 talk shows, which were 'The Martha Steward Show' and 'The Rachael Ray Show'.

            The learning outcomes of this assignment was to demonstrate the ability to ‘read’ a television series which means to understand and interpret the chosen television series genre. Besides that, this essay enabled us to demonstrate the ability to compare/contrast, analyse and synthesize information from two television series in an essay and explain them clearly and logically. This assignment also allowed us to communicate the relevant ideas in a clear, logical and appropriate academic English through the writing. The aim of this assignment was to understand the concept of talk show before producing a 5 paragraph 600-1000 word comparison/contrast essay with proper referencing and citation.
            After this assignment, I was able to understand talk shows more instead of watching them on television only. Moreover, the techniques of comparing and contrast which were taught by the lecturer were applied in this assignment. Through this assignment, I also had enhanced my data gathering and analysing skills. Lastly, I had achieved the intended objectives and learning outcomes.
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Assignment 1 Part 2
In this assignment, a 1000-1200 word essay on the two chosen paintings was required to be produced as a pair. We were given the exhibition "Emergence" at the Artemis Art Gallery. We were to compare and contrast the paintings based on the  elements and principles of design and the background of the artist.

The artworks we had chosen are as below:

Highway to ... (A Guided Tour)

Stairway to ... (A Guided Tour)

            The learning outcome of this assignment was to enable us to demonstrate the ability to "read" based on the steps given. It also enabled us to demonstrate the ability to compare or contrast, analyse and synthesise information about two chosen paintings in a longer essay and explain them clearly and logically. Besides that, this assignment enable us to communicate our ideas in a clear, logical and appropriate academic English. The aim of this assignment was to enable us to follow a structured method of critiquing an art work to discover its substance and meaning.
            I had fun going to the art gallery. It was my first time in an art gallery. I was able to analyse and interpret the artworks through this assignment. My academic English had improved a lot by writing the 1000-2000 word essay. I mastered the compare and contrast techniques in this assignment. I understood the elements and principles of design as I did a thorough research about them.
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Assignment 2
We were required to write a research paper of a minimum of 2500-3000 words on a traditional trade or business in Klang. The traditional trade had to be 15 years old and above. We decided to choose the "Bak Kut Teh" business.

Pictures of assignment 2 are as below:

Restoran Fong Keow (Pottry) Bah Kut Teh

Seng Huat Bak Kut Teh 

            The intended learning outcomes were to identify the key issues in the question and explain them clearly and logically as well as to demonstrate the ability to prepare questionnaires and interviews to obtain information about the topic. This assignment also enabled us to demonstrate the ability to analyse and synthesize information and compile them in the report and then communicate the relevant ideas and analysis in clear, logical and appropriate academic English. The last learning outcome was to select and present information clearly and appropriately to one’s target audience.
            Through this assignment, I learned to use appropriate methodology in obtaining primary and secondary information which was related to the chosen topic. I had also understood the basics steps to prepare an academic research report as well as to apply APA style citation accurately and effectively in the research report. In the end we had to present the findings of our research in a formal presentation. All the intended learning outcomes and objectives were achieved.
[164 words]

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